About the


STEEL DAY Conference, with the theme ‘Celebrating Steel’, is an annual event dedicated to the steel industry since the past decade. While celebrating the achievements of the steel construction industry, it brings together professionals, experts, and stakeholders from various sectors associated with steel usage, construction, engineering, and design. The conference witnessing around 500+ delegates every year, serves as a platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and showcasing the latest advancements in the steel industry.

STEEL DAY Conference spans across three days, wherein the attendees expect a wide range of activities, including informative keynote speeches, intense panel discussions, highly technical presentations, and exhibits. It is a platform wherein renowned industry leaders and experts share their insights on emerging trends, innovative technologies, sustainability practices, and market developments.

festival Outcomes Learn new things and connect people

Let your kids enjoy the dozens of games and activities at the Food Fest including the Bubble Bus, Petting Zoo, Face Painting, Balloon Making, and much more!



Meet our 2020 Keynote Speakers


Srikanth Badiga

Shekhar Ghate

Mahindra waghule


Hariom Gera

Girish Dravid

Amit Shah

Our Visionary Speakers
International Sponsors
Workshops We offer
Event Participants

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